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Following a year-long delay as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was released theatrically in the United States three days later on August 13 in RealD 3D, IMAX, 4DX and Dolby Cinema formats by 20th Century Studios. It tells the story of a bank teller who discovers that he is a non-player character in a massively multiplayer online game and partners with a player to find evidence that a gaming company's CEO stole the player's game's source code.įree Guy premiered at the Piazza Grande section of the 74th Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland on August 10, 2021. The film stars Ryan Reynolds, Jodie Comer, Lil Rel Howery, Utkarsh Ambudkar, Joe Keery, and Taika Waititi.

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Free Guy is a 2021 American action comedy film directed and produced by Shawn Levy from a screenplay by Matt Lieberman and Zak Penn, and a story by Lieberman.

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